I think Ming was a big element in some of the delightful football we played last year, and although he may not have had a defined position as such, nevertheless it's not to say he didn't have a role. I'm surprised Ryan didn't rate him, being as it was him that put forward the "fuck formations and defined positions, just have good creative players with good movement" theory.
Ming was, is, a good creative player with good movement. For all these people saying Kenny didn't fancy him I think this was based more on the off the pitch stuff than on - he's repeatedly made the point that if you don't wanna be here then fuck off, and the Raul rumours have been around a while.
In that sense, yes - it's good to get rid, you should want to play for the shirt.
However, if these contract rumours are true, and Raul's on 30K p/w, then we've been dicks to argue the toss over that - fuck whether it was a verbal contract or whatever, he was worth more money than that and that's all that matters. If it really was only 30K p/w we could have more than doubled it and he'd still only be getting paid what Jova was. Maybe it's the new regime saying "we don't give big contracts to old guys" but he's not that old and he's still got some life in him yet.
It's a bad move by us IMO and I'm not happy, but it is what it is