Andy, re your 'list': The two managers Meireles worked under for us didn't judge him or play him as a central midfielder, so I don't get your point. And including Aquilani in there is drawing a long bow too mate. Continually selecting Jay Spearing in CM ahead of him tells you all you need to know.
Anyway, I'm not "gutted" in the slightest. As most would have noticed, I never thought he was great anyway. Good, but not great. Good players are replaceable.
He clearly wasn't in Kenny's immediate plans. He was never going to figure as a central midfielder for plenty of reasons, and wide right and left we have more options now than we did at the start of the summer. We've now got Downing, Kuyt, Bellamy and Henderson as wide options. All better than Meireles too.
Actually, Hendo probably isn't, but he's young - has plenty of upside, and is quite clearly in Kenny's plans.
12M for a player who isn't in our plans, and who won't improve our opposition (given that he'll not even start half their games) is fine by me. If I was a Chelsea fan I wouldn't be that ecstatic about adding another ageing player to their already decrepit squad.
And I wouldn't be that thrilled if I was Meireles either. Quite clearly second choice to Modric, he's Barca's pursuit of Mascherano when they couldn't get Fabregas. Second choice, he'll be a bench player, and he had to go through the ignominy of handing in a transfer request for it.
I've moved on already.