I think that's fucking obvious.
The amount times I've heard 'fans' say "It's alright pressing so much high up the pitch, but one good pass & you're fucked".
I can imagine Klopp hearing that & saying "Ah fuck, I hadn't thought of that!"
Footy is like music. Loads of bollocks spouted about tactics & formations being revolutionary, when there's only 22 men & one ball, like in music there's only 24 unique keys.
Sure you can start listening to something & thinking it's new & fresh, but there's no way it's completely original, & even less chance that if those keys sounds good in that order it hasn't been popular in a different incarnation in the past.
I'd like to think Klopp has a tried & tested formula, but it has a number of elements & can be adapted, & he uses it alongside those traditional managerial elements that successful managers have always used so well.
Only time will tell, but there's no way the man wins any league twice with a system that simply relies on running a lot!