Redcafe when Elliott scored:
Alison is ridiculous tonight Yeah...
This game belonged on pornhub it was that much of a shagging. How do they do it?
Looks like their luck is in. They could take a shit on the pitch right now and it would be diamond encrusted and would count as a priceless heirloom on The Antiques Roadshow.
All other things aside. Great play by Nunez.
We used up all of our luck in the Fergie years. The universe hates us now and is hell bent on paying us back with interest for all of those years of success.
PSG are fast... but without finishing it counts for nothing obviously. entirely reduced on long shots and corners, which Liverpool endured thanks to Alisson, while they conceded the first time Liverpool got in their penalty area.
PSG didn't look like scoring at all in the second half.
Liverpool are too strong defensively for PSG and unlikely to let this slip at home.
PSG didn't really look that threatening in the second half and most of their shots were from outside the box. They should have scoreona couple first half, true, but I feel Liverpool are too good defensively to for PSG to overturn the result.
Congratulations Liverpool. Always love to see these oil clubs getting eliminated.
Great PSG losing at home, City already out, Chelsea playing in European wilderness. (Bayern Fan)
Liverpool got lucky, but not as much as one would think, you look at someone like Dembele, he has consistently been a poor finisher throughout his career, same as vs Liverpool, nothing new, really. (Real fan).