[/quote]Fear that one may actually be homosexual himself: Homosexuality is, by even the most conservative estimates, far more common than the number of open homosexuals would imply. And with the realization that bisexuality is actually fairly common, there is a genuine fear among the more conservative that they, themselves, may be homosexual, particularly if they have had a homosexual experience in their past which they actually enjoyed.
lucas went off to find rafa the vaseline.
keep sucking on that cock, i hear lucas wants it back
that's what your face looks like after you've been moisturised by rafa
rafa cocks suckers
y fronts followed by the option of spit, swallow or just keep sucking
go moisturise each other with your tag team bollocks
Denial is the refusal to acknowledge the existence or severity of unpleasant external realities or internal thoughts and feelings.