Welcome to the Red and White Kop website.
Please take a couple of minutes to read about what this site is, and what it is not - it will give you ideas on how to get most from the site.
What this site is NOT.
1. Official. This site has neither official nor formal connection with Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds plc.
2. A Business. We are not part of any media conglomeration; we do not have a constitution; we do not exist as a company, formal partnership, nor other business. We don't have a bank account. We're not trying to sell you anything. No-one is paid for their input to the site. We do not carry adverts.
3. A Pressure Group. The site hosts a lot of opinions on issues concerning the practicalities of being a Liverpool fan. There are some organised pressure groups and constituted organisations campaigning on the issues which may be discussed from time to time but this site is not the website of any such group. To be very clear: this is not the website of ILSA (The Independent Liverpool Supporters Association), Anfield Forever, Free Michael Shields nor the Hillsborough Justice Campaign, although many of the contributors to this site are members and committed supporters of those campaigns.
4. The News. Red and White Kop (or RAWK as we're often known) does not set out to be a news site on Liverpool FC; there are dozens of sites that do that, and we provide you with a full clickable index of their latest headlines in the Latest News section of the site. For breaking news we recommend you to look in that section and check the latest news stories.
5. Polite. You will find the whole spectrum of match-going vernacular here. (Eh ? You wha' ? The articles and features may contain swearing, mother. You best go make the tea.)
6. Very Serious. We have been told that the format of the site may make it look serious at first glance. We're not - remember that !
7. Censorious. You can say what you like how you like. The editorial policy will not impinge on what you say unless you're abusive, a racist, a homophobe, or promoting illegal activity.