Gareth has posted one last comment in the thread....................
In response to a few PM's received over the locking of this topic, I've posted one reply that hopefully covers it all....
That said, there is an alarming trend on here whereby the moderation tends to lionize certain viewpoints and stifle debate
Quote from: Gareth on Today at 08:58:03 PM
Hello mate,
You couldn't be further from the truth. I could name you plenty of good reds on here I know personally that wanted a change of manager, just as I know plenty that didn't. The distinction? They all expressed that opinion in a fashion that is consistent with the ethos of this site - respect for past and present managers of the club and respect for people they engage with on here.
Too many people *assume* too much about what our own views are, without ever actually knowing what those views are. Why is this? Because most of us truly cannot be bothered talking about football in what amounts to a kindergarten full of shrill, intolerant posters intent on screaming louder than the next to have their opinion heard, whatever side of an argument they fall into. In a week where the new league season kicked off and I had a spring my step about the possibilities a new manager and new players might bring at a difficult time for our club, my time is wasted dealing with people still stuck on arguing the rights and wrongs of the last managers tenure. It's boring and utterly tedious to me.
Do you know my own thoughts on Benitez? Hodgson? Liverpool? If not, what makes you remotely qualified to judge how I or anyone else moderate this site? Its a forum for goodness sake. Those who don't appreciate what it offers only need to point their browser somewhere else. Problem solved, no?
This site was formed off the back of personal relationships forged by going to matches together, by drinking together in bars/pubs/clubs in Liverpool, up and down the country and all across Europe, from exchanging tickets, from coming together to participate in fund raising events such as those run by the HJC or Michael Shields campaigns. Over the years that network has grown and its this network of personal relationships we treasure the most. If that comes at the expense of upsetting anonymous people who nobody can actually identify, so be it.
Our attitude since 2001 has been consistent from the off - we moderate the forum as we see appropriate. We offer a feedback forum specifically designed for people to ask questions, thank or criticise this approach.
Finally, if you detect an element of frustration in this it's not aimed directly at you (I've a healthy respect for your contribution in exposing the bigotry of Cohen for instance), but you did PM me so are therefore taking the brunt of having to deal with anonymous trolls who have clearly organised a day-trip out from somewhere else, purely for the "kudos" of winding people up on the internet. Come on, how childish is that?
You know what though, I couldn't give a toss who they are or for any puerile gripes they have against an internet site that basically boils down to 1's and 0's on a magnetic disk.
Cheers and, genuinely, best wishes to you.