He just stated that he wouldn't walk.
Fucking right it is. In a strange way this was always going to happen! Burn up and then fade away. He's comedy but probably best suited to translating - Translating is a great skill to have in that (man management profession). I'm being disrespectful because I think he's an unfunny sad twat that has (and will) be found out. And before anyone mentions Porto - Fuck off.And hilariously, next week he starts touring all the tv and radio shows to plug his new book, and he won't be able to wriggle out of most of those engagements, even though I bet he'd love to do so. When it was all planned he was probably anticipating a nice bit of ego-stroking, grinning away as people queued up to say what a genius he is. Now he'll have to endure endless 'wha-happen?' questions. Karma is a great thing.
From Sir Alex to Fergie.
What a fucking nonce.
Southampton should have had two penalties.
I'm not Modo. Today I watched Farjestad win against Modo 4-3. Not football, icehockey.
Almost every player is like a hungry wolf and will kill you as soon as they see a weakness.