Is a racist slur an opinion?
No, I don't think so. It's abuse. But I still don't think that should be a crime by itself. Actual physically threatening behaviour should be, and I suppose you then get into problems of where to draw the line, but what Terry did wouldn't cross it, imo.
Sack-able offence though surely?
Calling someone a black cunt might get you a beating.
What I mean is, saying something racist isn't necessarily a threat of violence. But the one receiving the abuse might resort to it.
Calling someone a black cunt might get you a beating.
What I mean is, saying something racist isn't necessarily a threat of violence. But the one receiving the abuse might resort to it.
I personally don't react to insults, especially not with violence. The only time I resort to violence is if someone physically threatens me.And what is your opinion of someone who performs GBH due to an insult? Not necessarily a racist one?
I personally don't react to insults, especially not with violence. The only time I resort to violence is if someone physically threatens me.
I in no way condone the use of violence, other then to defend yourself .
Ive only followed this fleetingly, but it seems from afar that Terry and his legal team have come to this thing much better prepared than that bumbling fuckwit Ferdinand - who is coming across like a complete moron.
Terry's going to get off with this, the great horrible cunt.
Is the right answer.
Takes a bigger person to walk away, but I get why people might resort to violence. Just shows that some people cannot control their reactions
Haha. Anyway it is always a case of balancing between peoples rights. If you focus solely upon the rights of the racist then of course you will miss the point. The racist person has a right to hold an opinion. It's just that the black person has a more important right to not have his dignity abused.
Haha. Anyway it is always a case of balancing between peoples rights. If you focus solely upon the rights of the racist then of course you will miss the point. The racist person has a right to hold an opinion. It's just that the black person has a more important right to not have his dignity abused.
Can't get a rise out of Jules. Are you really a judge?The comparison with gay marriage doesn't stand up for a variety of reasons, but you make a good point at the end.
Whether Ferdinand is a cunt is an opinion, isn't it?
Obviously not. We can see he is not literally a cunt therefore it can not be an opinion, and so is now a slur and prefaced by 'black' meant as a racist slur.
Obviously not. We can see he is not literally a cunt therefore it can not be an opinion, and so is now a slur and prefaced by 'black' meant as a racist slur.
I don't get why bringing colour in it not only elevates the status of the offence amongst moral arbiters, but also gets the law involved. It's kinda pathetic. I think it demeans black people more that the state feels the need to protect them from name calling, over and above name calling for any other physical attribute or cultural heritage anyone might have, than the likes of Terry calling them those names.
I don't get why bringing colour in it not only elevates the status of the offence amongst moral arbiters, but also gets the law involved. It's kinda pathetic. I think it demeans black people more that the state feels the need to protect them from name calling, over and above name calling for any other physical attribute or cultural heritage anyone might have, than the likes of Terry calling them those names.
Can't get a rise out of Jules. Are you really a judge?
I totally agree mate. The worst thing is you hardly see any dissent about it anywhere. People just seem to accept it.
I don't get why bringing colour in it not only elevates the status of the offence amongst moral arbiters, but also gets the law involved. It's kinda pathetic. I think it demeans black people more that the state feels the need to protect them from name calling, over and above name calling for any other physical attribute or cultural heritage anyone might have, than the likes of Terry calling them those names.
So are we going to see less of the ginger (or indeed African sunset) insults in here then?
No chance Blood Nut.
Its easier to say than to do, waIking away just gives them an opportunity to repeat the behaviour anyway - take 'em out, black players need to stand up for their rights.
Oh fuck right off. Its words. And its not just black players who have rights. What about Zidane? A joke about his sister? Boom!
Your willingness to "take 'em out" means you've allowed yourself to be dragged down to their level. Congratulations.