BREAKING: Rio Ferdinand has not been selected as a witness for the Terry & Ferdinand racism case, instead Martin Kelly has been called up. -- BBC Sporf (@BBCSporf)
whilst I don't like terry, i find it slightly awkward that people are punished by the criminal law for expressing an opinion - bar incitement to imminent violence I think people should be allowed to say anything they like regardless of how reprehensible people find it.
yes - however, this does not mean i like it or condone it. rather than punish and create taboos, we should challrnge these peoples views in the market place of ideas, lest we forget why we hold dear the views we do in the first place.Are you serious?
yes - however, this does not mean i like it or condone it. rather than punish and create taboos, we should challrnge these peoples views in the market place of ideas, lest we forget why we hold dear the views we do in the first place.
yes - however, this does not mean i like it or condone it. rather than punish and create taboos, we should challrnge these peoples views in the market place of ideas, lest we forget why we hold dear the views we do in the first place.
Maradona makes an excellent point though, a brave one as Vlad says and one which should make us all stop and think. The trouble with making the holding of an opinion a crime is that you then give those in power the green light to extend that kind of prohibition in any direction they like. You may support the outlawing of a particular opinion now, but one of yours may be next on the authorities' "hit list". Very, VERY slippery slope.
That's definitely an opinion. Add the word black and you're fucked.Whether Ferdinand is a cunt is an opinion, isn't it?
Whether Ferdinand is a cunt is an opinion, isn't it?
Interesting , lets skip over you missing what i said.Its 'Black cunt' which makes it abuse or don't you get that?
Interesting , lets skip over you missing what i said.
Are you saying cunt on its own isn't abuse?
I'll take some from your stall spion
yep, and the fa wont do a thing, if he's found innocent they'll say they have no need to do anything, if he's guilty they'll say he's aready been punished. It would have been much better if this hadnt gone to court at allIve only followed this fleetingly, but it seems from afar that Terry and his legal team have come to this thing much better prepared than that bumbling fuckwit Ferdinand - who is coming across like a complete moron.
Terry's going to get off with this, the great horrible cunt.
He said the words though, and with the FA intent doesnt matter..
I have every confidence in them treating this case in the same way as previous cases..........
Hahahaha, not mentioned anyone there mate 🙂DON'T DO IT HANSERN!
It's nonsense to imagine thatblackgay people really are inferior, so anyone saying or suggesting it is certainly not expressing a fact. It follows that whoever does that is expressing an opinion. I'm all for society disapproving of that. What concerns me, maradona and others is gettingmarriage itself involved in the process.thelaw