I agree re Johnson, and as he's arguably more suited to the continental approach, it'd be interesting to see if a Spanish side would be interested and of course, if he'd go. He's 28? I didn't realise he was that old. People still seem to talk about him as though he will get better defensively with age, he's at his peak and still making unforced errors.
I'm not massively convinced by our fullback options in the longterm, I think Kelly might make it but even he has question marks over his hamstrings, but as you say, it's the least of our worries. The rest of the team though is a big big concern. We could even say in Lucas we have something good for the next few years, but even he is more of a defensive player. Suarez is our only real longterm attacking talent and again, there's no guarantees he won't get the hump after another season.