It's funny isn't it - it's ok for all the God-haters and unbelievers to give stick and abuse to those who disagree with their beliefs but it's not ok for the believers to talk and share why they believe what they believe with others who ask, even if it's done in a respectful and gentle manner.
And btw jehovahs witnesses are not Christians. In fact in many circles they are considered a cult.
Christianity is a cult. A long-lasting one admittedly, and one that has been commandeered over the past 2,000 years by kings, queens and governments to control the masses, but a cult all the same. Just watch those blokes in the mad dresses swinging the incense and incanting inside specially built 'worship' buildings. If a bearded Jewish guy walked out of the desert right now and started collecting followers by telling people he was the son of God he would get pretty short shrift. That's because the idea that everyone from the Egyptians to the Vikings, from the Incas to the Romans, from the Greeks to the Hindus are wrong, wrong, wrong and Christians are right is not only groundless but also the height of arrogance.
I don't hate god, he doesn't exist. So it's impossible.
Love these football threads!