The matter of 'who should be our captain' is about 43215609451th in our list of priorities.
It's so unimfuckingportant it's untrue.
A proper leader doesn't need a armband to drive the players around him. If we had anyone on the pitch that was capable of being a leader they would do it regardless of whether they were captain or not, as Carra has shown for the last decade.I disagree, Ryan.
It may not be THE issue but it's certainly an important one.
You need a leader on the field to drive the players around him. This is especially true when the team is under performing.
A proper leader doesn't need a armband to drive the players around him. If we had anyone on the pitch that was capable of being a leader they would do it regardless of whether they were captain or not, as Carra has shown for the last decade.
A new captain is the least of our problems.
Suarez Mark? He might be our best player by a mile, love him to bits, but he is hardly captain material
In terms of body language... Gerrard was screaming at everyone for each little mistake in the first 15 mins even though he was the worst culprit. He was having a right go at Suarez when he messed that little pass up. Then a few mins later when Suarez put him through and he messed up, well he did that little clap thing over his head as he walked off but you could see Suarez shouting some encouragement to him, probably expecting some thanks for an ace ball, but it went completely unacknowledged as Gerrard jogged back to the halfway line, head down, expressionless. I strongly doubt he couldn't tell Suarez was trying to get hold of him. I often find myself watching how Gerrard interacts with the team and most of the time it's as if he's on a different plane altogether. Winds me up.
Bollocking other players is OK if you're also organising them to improve their chances of doing well and encouraging them whey they do so. Other players around Stevie have often not been up to his individual standards (nor have many players in other clubs for that matter), but part of a skipper's job is to bring the best out of those around him and Stevie's always been a dismal failure at that side of the job. I never thought it was the right decision to take the captaincy away from Sami and give it to Stevie in the first place.