I just went over to the pub to make sure Setanta was working ok so that we've got the match live... all the satellite shizzle wasn't working. No signal on any channel. Reboot... Play with wires... SHIIIIIITTTTTTT.... Ring my suppliers - they say, this sounds bad - we're dead busy today but it sounds like the motor's gone on your satellite dish, check if there's a green light on it and ring back. So I run upstairs, into the manager's bedroom, climb over him and his bird, get out of the window, climb onto the roof and realise I'm in a pair of adidas chiles, unfit for purpose, and I'm sliding down the fucking thing. Got some composure but was thinking this was going to be a Rod Hull moment (insert good reception at the funeral joke here), so I lay down flat and crawled over to the dish. No green light. FUUUUCCCCKKKKK. So I'm sat on the roof ringing the dude telling him he's got to come, the place will be rammed, it's the first day of the fucking season and if I haven't got it on today then he may as well come and get all his shit, and he was like 'chill dude, I'll see what I can do, but check all your wires and cables' and I'm all like 'as fucking if, nothing has changed at all' and I get to thinking that maybe someone has deliberately cut a cable somewhere - needle in haystack time.... and then the manager shouts out the window - 'do you think it could be when your mate came and picked that tele up yesterday?' Now I didn't even remember this but a few days ago I'd told a mate that there was a spare tele in the back room downstairs and he could have it, and I didn't even know that he'd come and picked it up, but he had, and in doing so he'd pulled all the wires out of everywhere and just left them hanging around. I didn't know that the wires that popped out of that particular wall had anything to do with anything either but I do know that when I plugged them all back together everything came back on.
So yeah, everything is ok now. I apologised to the satellite dude coz I'm nice like that.