I think we're going to play a very fluid set-up. Wingers can, in general, operate on either side; the only think different is cutting in when they're on the opposite side. I see all three as moving around those positions. When Luis floats wide, Borini will come into the centre, and both will be in the centre when Assaidi is out wide.
On the game itself, I'm glad it's almost here. I'm like a horny dog who hasn't seen his owner's leg for three months; I'll be all over it when it's finally here. To make it even worse, our last three games have been progressively good. We're improving how we play and we're tucking the ball into the net.
If we can keep it up, and keep improving, I think we're in for a decent season. We'll be a match for anybody if we continue putting the chances we create into the back of the red nets. West Brom fans seem, judging from their chatter on the forums, like they're confident and that our defence is soft. We've scored seven and conceded one in our last three, but there's no telling 'em.
I think Allen will play from the start, as will Lucas and Gerrard. Suarez, Borini and maybe Downing. We've got plenty enough in the tank to hurt them, but we need to watch out for Lakuku. He's a beast. A victory is a must, we need to burst out of the traps this time; straight up and at them. I don't care too much about the style in the early days, but we need to cunt them in the bastard and take three points.