I think that is the real problem with the forum, a lot of this is not about Liverpool doing well or badly, it's about people's ego's and being right all the time .
There is a significant percentage of the membership that make their mind up about someone or something and regardless of the evidence, stick to it dogmatically and will not allow their point of view to change, it is seen as a sign of weakness. It is seen as a sign of weakness quite reasonably perhaps, as others wait in the wings to leap out and say "I told you so" which is the other real problem.
We have a case in point here with this very thread.
Lucas, as many have observed has been largely average for three years, and on the balance of the evidence so far , that is what he is - average.
Because of a thin squad and lack of other options he has been played more than he should have, he has also been played in a position that does not suit him for much of that time.
Now we see him have a few games in a slightly more advanced role and he looks a different player, I remain to be convinced if he is actually any more than average, but every dog has his day and I am pleased for him and the team, it is a real positive, let's hope he keeps it up.
Although I am sure there is an element that hope he falls flat on his face again quickly, regardless if that is good for Liverpool FC or not.
Probably the same people wishing for us to get beaten so that Hodgson got the sack