Sound, I can call someone a black can't then
Oh! I hear that the FA are still going to hold their own enquiry into the same incident at Loftus Road!
So Terry will still get a big fine and a lengthy ban! 😀
Didn't QPR make their own complaint to the FA?Oh! I hear that the FA are still going to hold their own enquiry into the same incident at Loftus Road!
So Terry will still get a big fine and a lengthy ban! 😀
The Court has a 98% conviction rate
I haven't been following this matter, but didn't Ferdinand say he never, at any stage during the match, hear Terry call him a "fucking black cunt" or accuse Terry of racially abusing him? If that was the case, and the Chief Magistrate also finds that Ferdinand was a "believable witness", surely the issue he had to decide upon was whether Terry's excuse of "repeating an accusation" was plausible, rather than what words were used? He can hardly repeat an accusation if none was levelled at him.
Yes but he did explain that quite reasonably😉 he may have mistaken the word "Bridge" for "black",
as Ferdinand had been goading him about his affair with Bridge's missus
Garth Crooks is one of the weirdest people to ever appear on television. A truly bizarre person. Anything he says has absolutely no credibility.