I humbly bow to your superior knowledge of 14th century pandemics, however, despite my foolish errors in the correct naming of medieval plagues at the time, I'm more interested in the general narrative about the pejorative association with the word "black", which I'm entirely sure has had negative associations with death, evil, rot, PESTILENCE, Hades, mourning and countless others for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, well before any halfwit decided to take mass offence on the behalf of the every single Person Of Colour.
Probably since cavemen worked out that you could see danger better in the daytime, plus many creatures hunted at night, thus making nighttime, when it was....black....best spent in your cave, hopefully with a fire, if that had been invented yet.
In any case it was called the Black Death because of its effects, so not actually anything at all to do with the word black and its associative connotations, which makes it a poor example for me to use in the first instance. Damn.