Sorry but that is massively under-valuing the quality of our other players and ignoring the fact that a) we did more than just fine in the opening 6 matches without him last season and b) he looked extremely tired and his scoring rate was much lower towards the end of the season and c) we have a much higher win % without him than with him ! I am not for a moment ignoring how brilliant he is, he is a genius, but we could well evolve into a much more powerful team without him as we strengthen in depth and in positions in which we are currently weak.
People are saying that without Luis we are substantially weaker, without considering that in matches last season when we needed a winner / equaliser we had no-one to bring on that was of equal quality to those 11 on the pitch. When we had injuries we struggled to cover the squad was indeed that weak.
If we add players of the quality of (don't want to say it will actually be all of these players but I have faith they will be high quality players no matter who we bring in) : Markovic, Sanchez, Lovren, Moreno, Lallana, Lambert, Can and maybe another striker ... then we have a much stronger team and a much stronger squad too.
The one 'fly in the ointment' (strange to consider the CL that) is the Champions' League and the toll it may take on our squad. Hopefully we will have strengthened enough to cover the extra games we have to play without adding too much to the games per player average of last season.