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Torres on Villa

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[quote author=Molbystwin link=topic=34189.msg890255#msg890255 date=1245273599]
well then ..... there is me moaning all day about our shitty owners and then all this stuff turns up. I will see it when i believe it but... and before anybody gets too excited may i just add that my last valencia "source" assured me that we were in extended talks to sign ribery three or four years ago until Cisse bust his leg again.... some fucking source...

FWIW i live out here in Valencia, teach the son of the family who own Valencia ( or most of it), surrounded by little rich kids day in day out. Met Pellegrini at his nephews grade 12 graduation 2 years ago... know a few people Valencia wise...that kind of thing...even tried to get in rafa's nieces knickers that kind of tenuous hearsay link stuff.... anyway to call me any kind of source is stretching it somewhat, i just get pissed with some of the right people occasionally and i love the footy.

One of my best mates, believe it or not, called Jose, tells me fucking yonks ago that Silva was a done deal and that Villa doesnt want to play for any other spanish team, and wants to link up with Torres. I assumed that the financial goalposts were shifted somewhat when Bancaja foreclosed on the building project but ...

Jose is best mates with canizares and a few off the trainers etc its a smallish place a bit like the 'Pool, he knows paco auestaran well etc etc ... Anyway up until recently Jose was very minted and knew a good few of the hoy poly types,actually i spose he was one!. So as i'm getting on the bus home today our Real Madrid nut of a driver tells me rather excitedly that Villa is a dickhead and is refusing to sign for another spanish club because it would hurt Valencia and that includes Barca who are detested in these parts...

I think nothing of it i just assume the cunt has been reading marca and sitting in Lying rag too long.... then my usually reticent mate Jose calls and tells me that it aint just rumours and that indeed something is brewing.

What too make of it fuck knows but i will be honest ... im flipping well excited and a little bit hopeful... cos the word down here is that Villa only wants to go to Liverpool.

So if he's not going to another Spanish club, and he only wants to come to Liverpool if he goes to an English club, then I presume his decision is that he's staying put and wasting his career for another year, or he's going to Italy.
[quote author=the count link=topic=34189.msg890271#msg890271 date=1245274899]
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890269#msg890269 date=1245274819]
I don't see where the money is coming from for it, but it would be nice.

Alonso or Masher for £30m+ ?

Only if we're replacing either one of them with someone cheap, or not at all .
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890273#msg890273 date=1245275230]
[quote author=the count link=topic=34189.msg890271#msg890271 date=1245274899]
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890269#msg890269 date=1245274819]
I don't see where the money is coming from for it, but it would be nice.

Alonso or Masher for £30m+ ?

Only if we're replacing either one of them with someone cheap, or not at all .

Gattuso for Masher.

Gattuso is after a move isn't he ?

He'd probably follow Ancelotti, but he'd be a decent stopgap for a couple of seasons.
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890273#msg890273 date=1245275230]
[quote author=the count link=topic=34189.msg890271#msg890271 date=1245274899]
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890269#msg890269 date=1245274819]
I don't see where the money is coming from for it, but it would be nice.

Alonso or Masher for £30m+ ?

Only if we're replacing either one of them with someone cheap, or not at all .

Or Gerrard is droping back into the centre to make way for Silva and Villa in the front three 😉
Lets not talk of a front 3 of Villa, Torres and Silva lest I have another moment of shame in my pants.
[quote author=Rafiagra link=topic=34189.msg890288#msg890288 date=1245275934]
Lets not talk of a front 3 of Villa, Torres and Silva lest I have another moment of shame in my pants.

we'd be a better version of the spanish national team.
*rubs eyes*
Thing is there is surely one of these every summer right? and it doesnt happen often.
Thanks for the info though Molby, I suppose Villa's comments also suggest same thing and it's out of his hands now cos LFC trying to get the finances in order
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890279#msg890279 date=1245275475]
Gattuso is after a move isn't he ?

He'd probably follow Ancelotti, but he'd be a decent stopgap for a couple of seasons.

Gattuso is a great player despite his age.
If this is true then surely it means the end of one of Mascher or Alonso. As much as it pains me i cant see how else we'll have the money, but then again who knows whats going on behind the scenes.
[quote author=refugee link=topic=34189.msg890296#msg890296 date=1245277040]
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890279#msg890279 date=1245275475]
Gattuso is after a move isn't he ?

He'd probably follow Ancelotti, but he'd be a decent stopgap for a couple of seasons.

Gattuso is a great player despite his age and beard.

I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the best striker on the planet.
[quote author=nornirongooner link=topic=34189.msg890300#msg890300 date=1245277202]
I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the best striker on the planet.

We already own him sorry.
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890299#msg890299 date=1245277123]
[quote author=refugee link=topic=34189.msg890296#msg890296 date=1245277040]
[quote author=Rosco link=topic=34189.msg890279#msg890279 date=1245275475]
Gattuso is after a move isn't he ?

He'd probably follow Ancelotti, but he'd be a decent stopgap for a couple of seasons.

Gattuso is a great player despite his age and beard.


Thanks, that saves me the trouble of editing.
[quote author=Peatcheo link=topic=34189.msg890301#msg890301 date=1245277315]
[quote author=nornirongooner link=topic=34189.msg890300#msg890300 date=1245277202]
I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the best striker on the planet.

We already own him sorry.

Yeh. You probably do, to be fair.
[quote author=nornirongooner link=topic=34189.msg890300#msg890300 date=1245277202]
I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the best striker on the planet.

the fuss is about him being a brilliant player.

torres is better.
[quote author=nornirongooner link=topic=34189.msg890300#msg890300 date=1245277202]
I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the second best striker on the planet.

We'll have the top 2 strikers in the world.


Pretty good..

I still think that Villa will go to Chelsea..
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890312#msg890312 date=1245278528]

Pretty good..

I still think that Villa will go to Chelsea..

i reckon he wont.
[quote author=Skullflower link=topic=34189.msg890313#msg890313 date=1245278623]
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890312#msg890312 date=1245278528]

Pretty good..

I still think that Villa will go to Chelsea..

i reckon he wont.
I don't think we have the money unfortunately, which is the one thing that Valencia needs the most at the moment given their financial situation.
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890315#msg890315 date=1245278816]
[quote author=Skullflower link=topic=34189.msg890313#msg890313 date=1245278623]
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890312#msg890312 date=1245278528]

Pretty good..

I still think that Villa will go to Chelsea..

i reckon he wont.
I don't think we have the money unfortunately, which is the one thing that Valencia needs the most at the moment given their financial situation.

i didn't say he was coming to us.
[quote author=Skullflower link=topic=34189.msg890316#msg890316 date=1245278930]
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890315#msg890315 date=1245278816]
[quote author=Skullflower link=topic=34189.msg890313#msg890313 date=1245278623]
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890312#msg890312 date=1245278528]

Pretty good..

I still think that Villa will go to Chelsea..

i reckon he wont.
I don't think we have the money unfortunately, which is the one thing that Valencia needs the most at the moment given their financial situation.

i didn't say he was coming to us.
Oh yeah..
[quote author=koze link=topic=34189.msg890312#msg890312 date=1245278528]

*sex wee*

I'd even stop being angwy when Rafa insists on going 4-4-2 if that's the personnel to fill the 4-4-2.
In regards to question of money, with the refinancing due would it not be feasable that they would increase the amount borrowed. I don't think this is a good idea but the yanks could be trying to buy the league in the hope of making the sale of the English and European Champions, in the summer of 2010 to the arabs extremely profitable.
is right.

We do not have the money. Im awake now. I can certainly understand Villa wanting to sign with us, the locals actually do call us the "spanish" liverpool, and i dont reckon my mates are on a wind up, but....

we are still way too skint for Villa, unless its the very best smokescreen ever ever of all time smokeist screen.... like out the back of that spyhunter video game car.

It is a very nice hopeful bit of gossip is all...

he will end up at Barca you watch.
[quote author=Hardcastle link=topic=34189.msg890306#msg890306 date=1245277697]
[quote author=nornirongooner link=topic=34189.msg890300#msg890300 date=1245277202]
I just dont see what all the fuss is about regarding Silva. Whoever gets Villa, on the other hand, may well have the second best striker on the planet.

We'll have the top 2 strikers in the world.


the top two strikers in the world are torres and eto'o
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