It will probably never cease to amaze me that he was only 60/61 when he retired. I remember seeing the coverage when I was a kid and thinking he looked as old as God, which as I thought of him as God was no great surprise, but when you think of the likes of Bobby Robson and Ginsoak swanning around in their seventies it's quite odd. Shanks had gone through a hell of a lot of working class strife long before he even got to Liverpool - when he was a player he looked about 60! - and I always remember him saying at his press conference, 'All those years...' and physically sagging at the thought of what he'd put in. I would have thought Smith was good with him but I can quite imagine the directors being hopelessly aloof and unappreciative. Sad, as with Kenny, that they couldn't persuade him to just take the summer to think it over.