You need to fuck off you jumped up piece of shite.
Im fairly sure he knows our history.I care Herr Onceared !!
Maybe its my age but that was uncalled for from Ryan - perhaps he ought to read a history of the club before making such outbursts.
I cherish Kenny. But i still couldnt give a fuck what Ryan off the internet says about him.Yeah, but people who cherish Kenny are likely to get upset, and hence it is just a nasty piece of trolling. Ryan does it knowing that some people care deeply about Dalglish as a legend of the club. More than anything else, Ryan's repeated dispespectful trash-talk in respect of Kenny has put people off this site in the past months.
That includes me. Maybe I'm stupidly sentimental, or have some sort of naive loyalty, but quite frankly, I couldn't give a hairy fuck.
I like Ryan, but do feel it's fucked up the way he gets away with calling Dalglish of all people a half-wit (and countless other disrespectful shite) on a Liverpool FC SUPPORTER's forum.
I know the mods believe in free speech and all, but it's just not on.
I dont have any problem with Ryan calling Dalglish a halfwit or whatever else he wants to call him.
Its his opinion and hes entitled to it.
Who really cares?
How does that work. sound great.God bless the ignore function.
I said sharpest. That would mean the man is not a halfwit.And incredible wit, too. Quite remarkable.
I think youre missing my point.I'm surprised you think that Herr. We've lost almost everything the club once held dear. And now even our greatest ever player, a manager who won the double in his first season and was the last man to win us the title. A man who bore the responsibility of the club during Hillsborough, and had us play some of the best football we ever played. An ambassador for the club across the world, and a man who stood up to the FA and Ferguson over the Evra bullshit. And also having met the man one of the sharpest wits I've ever known, gets called a halfwit by some 14 year old who clearly doesn't understand the history of the club he purports to support, or get how real Liverpool fans act, and we should give him a free pass?
No chance.
Opinion is one thing. Utter disrespect for a man who, although he made clear mistakes in his final tenure, only ever had the clubs best interests at heart, is pathetic and dim.
As an aside I doubt Ryan gives a good fuck what anyone thinks about his opinions
Of course he gives a fuck. That's why he keeps posting shit like that to bask in the glory when people point out their displeasure.As an aside I doubt Ryan gives a good fuck what anyone thinks about his opinions on anything related to Liverpool either so it works both ways.
I know i dont really give a fuck what anyone thinks of my opinions.
Why does it matter? Its opinions.
I didnt say he doesnt give a fuck about your opinions Macca just your opinions on him.Then maybe it would be wise for him to get on with expressing them rather than heaping abuse on those who have the temerity to have different views. Most of us don't often seek out his posts and attack them. It's largely one way traffic.
Im not arguing. Im explaining why i dont care. Why would I?Of course he gives a fuck. That's why he keeps posting shit like that to bask in the glory when people point out their displeasure.
I'd rather he used his whits to gain the attention, as would many others. That's our opinion, and I think you're contradicting yourself by saying you don't give a fuck, yet keep coming in with arguments against people who do care. Really, why bother if you don't care?