Its not arguing it out though, its one way insults without provocation, so no, its nit double standards, Modo doesn't get it that bad, and even if he did, he can ignore the culprits, I cant do fuck as that facility isn't available against Rosco. I said months ago, that unless that facility becomes available, or Rosco stops talking to people like they're cunts, that this would keep escalating, well, look what's happened.
Modo gets it just as bad as you do, if not worse. Least you have support from Hansern and the rest of the site. @Modo sees through it and continues, because it's THE INTERNET. None of this is real and none of this matters. Some fella doesn't like you. And? Just don't reply to him. I don't like most of the cunts on here yet I HAVE to read their fucking bilge, just in case. You don't.
@cloggypop how do you do the ignore Mod thingy
Follow his instructions @Mystic and you can ignore Ross.
All we want is for people to try and see this site for something other than vomiting 2 sentence opinions
We want it to create debate. We want it to get more members.
Seeing a twitter feed in a thread isn't gonna do that