Would everyone kindly shut the fuck up about moneyball. Ugh now we're using it as an adjective? Why is this term all of a sudden relevant to football? Oh, is it because a fairly superficial movie about it came out? Is it because John Henry was portrayed in that movie?
Come on. Moneyball is about using statistical analysis that enabled the purchasing of undervalued talent. They were revolutionary at the onset because they found an understanding of value that wasn't being appreciated.
Every time a team happens to buy well, it isn't a wholesale vindication of their purchase decisions, and it isn't fair to say, ooh, that's moneyball. Liverpool have had amazing transfer windows in past, using conventional scouting and knowledge of players, and a whole mess of shit ones.
Not only is there zero evidence I've seen so far that suggests any statistical revolution in scouting in football, there's zero evidence that Newcastle are employing it. They have changed their general strategy about purchasing, and have needed to. They've made some great purchases recently.
All people are really saying, until they demonstrate otherwise is, we should really make better transfer decisions, and I wish we made the same decisions and quality of decisions like Newcastle. And that's true, and an utterly meaningless sentiment.