I just discovered this radio station, probably because it just popped up on my youtube recommendations.
So I've been listening to it at times during a few weeks and seen some old clips as well.
My question is, why is Simon Jordan so hated?
I mean sure, he seems a bit full of himself when he talks, but he's one of the few "pundits" who isn't afraid to call out the likes of Lampard and Maguire for underachieving and I sort of agree with much of what he's saying.
So I've been listening to it at times during a few weeks and seen some old clips as well.
My question is, why is Simon Jordan so hated?
I mean sure, he seems a bit full of himself when he talks, but he's one of the few "pundits" who isn't afraid to call out the likes of Lampard and Maguire for underachieving and I sort of agree with much of what he's saying.