Not sure about Martinez being the only target, but he us the only one that we know is possibly going to be approached, and that was only because that old bugger Whelan wanted to try and spike it.The head of the LMA was just on sky sports talking about press bullshit. He said the press had Villas-Boas as a front runner for the liverpool job but he had spoken to him at some golf day yesterday and he had had ZERO contact from Liverpool.
Honest to fuck it drives you mental.
I reckon we have only had one manager on the list (Martinez) and have not announced him until we have out dof.
It strikes me that there are all sorts of people turning it down who have not even been offered it.
Like idiots people keep falling for the press speculation, don't let anything get in the way if a good lie.
The Club then become an embarrassment with all these alleged managers turning us down.
The only one I have heard other than Martinez that has any source is LVG.