Oh, so your pride hasn't pushed you into an indefensibly naive position, it's that you actually believe it? Well, that's better then isn't it.
You can't ever say definitively that in his position you wouldn't have taken severence pay. That's ridiculous absolutism. You aren't him, you don't have his career, you don't have the risks and instability of his career, you aren't aware of what happened behind the scenes. You don't know his contracts, or his relationship and obligations with his agent.You don't know what amount of money he takes home, or what his finances are, or what obligations he has. You don't even know what percentage of his expendable income he has given to charity, contrary to your assertions, as you scoff at his significant charitable contribution.
You don't know his exact position. You wouldn't be you if you were him. You'd have different experiences, different finances, a different career. You don't know what it's like to be in his shoes.
Analyse the action itself, and see if, amongst all of the various things you could be scornful of, a man donating a significant amount of money to a number of different charities of relevance to the city he is leaving, is really worthy.