Dreamland we are battering the league champions on their pitch.
Leaving out a lot of context that had come and gone since August.
Dreamland we are battering the league champions on their pitch.
great dummy Lallana
You think your days been good? I've had two bowls of Cinnamon Grahams.best start to a saturday in quite some time
Oh how I missed being so fucking happy from football!!!! been so long.
Yep. Missed this feeling.It's great isn't it? I just burst out laughing when benteke scored.
You think your days been good? I've had two bowls of Cinnamon Grahams.
We are going to put Lovren on for a laugh.
This doesn't even deserve a fucking boo it's so much nonsensewhy didn't you texeira them?
Remember when ryan said he'd take terry over any other player in the league? #chalkboard
This doesn't even deserve a fucking boo it's so much nonsense
It's purely for the comedy aspect.A third defender to protect a lead. Last time I saw that Rafa was managing us
why didn't you texeira them?