Nah, he did, but so did tons of other footie players and celebs. It was just one of those tax dodging schemes.Really?!!
Nah, he did, but so did tons of other footie players and celebs. It was just one of those tax dodging schemes.
I've been offered a couple of film finance schemes as an investment but they all seemed a bit dodge to me.Yeah, a few of them put a few million each in and ended up with 10 times more back. It was one of those things that was exposed as a tax dodge years later, but this was all legit and made them a fucking fortune.
I've been offered a couple of film finance schemes as an investment but they all seemed a bit dodge to me.
Am I the only one who's shocked that this is headline news? Russia is poisoning British citizens in Salisbury and every day the shambles of Brexit and the Tories dealing with it becomes embarrassingly clearer, yet we're talking about some sports pundit spitting at a manc bellend, honestly who gives a fuck? This isn't me defending him, what he did was disgusting, but this was the lead story on Victoria Derbyshire ffs.
Yeah that was completely shitty. Shame on him - We all make mistakes though. I'll forgive him for sure.What the fuck is wrong with him? He's spitting out his car window at some group cos they're winding him up? Get a fucking grip.
AaaaaaahahqhahaCurrently doing the rounds. Superb.
Yer candles are shite too.
What the fuck is wrong with him? He's spitting out his car window at some group cos they're winding him up? Get a fucking grip.
When I used to drive around central London you'd get loads of dickheads, you just get used to ignoring them, and driving off.So much this.
I was driving my lad to football training today and I came up to a roundabout, and no shit there was this early twentysish cunt riding his skateboard through the fucking thing so I gave him a wide berth and continued on my way.
Glanced in the mirror and this cunt was flipping me off! I did literally nothing wrong.
I actually flicked the indicator on to pull over for a chat, and then 0.8 seconds later I thought really? You’re going to do this? You’re a fucking grown man. Let this fucking edgelord have his imaginary win and get on with your evening
I SO hate cyclists on the road. In fairness, some of them are OK, but the majority seem to be utter twats.There has to be a limit and the limit has to be cyclists. I used to think that cycling turned normal people into pop-eyed loons. Now I just think that pop-eyed loons are drawn inexorably towards cycling.