Look nobody wanted him to fail, Ive never seen so much goodwill towards a manager in my life but lets call a spade a spade, its not working. Our form had been patchy til the new year and since then its bottomed out, its not a blip, we are sliding down the table, we're 2 points ahead of stoke in 11th place. We cant buy a win and this season cannot end soon enough, having faith in a manager is one thing, blind devotion is another.
Kenny is not above the criticism he is getting now, no manager is, a manager has to carry the can for the results thats the job it always has been, there is no sense in revising history now. I dont see anything right now that leads me to believe that the team is making progress and that Kenny should be the man in charge next season, we look utterly clueless, you can blame the luck of the cross bar or injuries or some Alex Ferguson based media/FA/referee conspiracy but the truth is we havent been good enough, we spent 100 million in the last 18 months and we are battling it out with the likes of Sunderland and Everton who havent got a pot to piss in between them.
For the die hards here is a question, how bad would this season have to get before you would question Dlaglish, where would we have to finish, 9th 10th, bottom half? Because thats fast becoming the reality, and if the answer is 'never' then you really have no part in any logical discussion about his future at this club because it does not exist to serve Kenny Dalglish or any nostalgic dreams of the 1980s, we have to deal with the reality we are currently living in, its not working, the tactics are all over the place, the substitutions are confusing and often counter intuitive, confidence is haemorrhaging out of the players and given the absolute catastrophe that was last summers transfer dealings its very difficult to believe Kenny will be able to identify or bring in the players to put things right.
He should get til the end of the season out of respect and common sense, beyond that would be sentimental foolishness to persist with this messiah delusion and Henry does not strike me as a sentimental or foolish man