I would help to see the full run of play here, as to learn why the players are in the position they are and why there's a man missing on the right. Where's Downing for one? But Agger's hardly in the wrong position. Perhaps by a few yards but nothing that inflluence the play, as he more or less does the cover he's supposed too here.
Ryan you play the game yourself at a decent level and you are telling me in this case, you'd want the LCD to place himself alongside Carra? You'd leave a splendid gap open for any midfielders to run into if so, and that would be terrible defending from Agger. He is standing in a straight-ish line so that's hardly your main worry is it?
For me, from the screenshot, the midfield looks to be the problem here stretched all over the park and not one is closing down the man on the ball. And again someone must've lost their man leaving three attackers to two defenders on the right.
Not saying Agger is free of all charges, I'd need to see the run of play but it does seem remarkable that you lay blame on his shoulder for their chance here.
And with the goal. Look at play leading up to the goal, their midfielders got two options, right or left channel pass. By your logic Agger should once again leave his area BEFORE knowing where the ball's being hit. It's a rather daft and biased criticism from your behalf, unless of course you'd expect our players to look into the future.