you've just wikied them 5 minutes ago and now you're an authority on the matter?
Well, they believe in god and also some wierd demulgie thing/creature created the physical universe.
you've just wikied them 5 minutes ago and now you're an authority on the matter?
Well, they believe in god and also some wierd demulgie thing/creature created the physical universe.
yeah. like plato.
For plato it is understandable progress from the greek theology. But thousand of years later, with the benefit of modern science and physics, plato would be thinking more like me than the gnostics
the gnostics were nearly 2000 years ago. just shut the fuck up.
As are christians. I have no problem with the reasons they came up with their explanations. The problem is they still cling on to them after science
they all died before they got to witness modern science.
I'd rather not think about our players thanking God. Too weird for me.
Saw the Wigan keeper praying before the game last night. Then they lost anyway.
Does that mean:
a) God exists, listens but doesn't give a shit what you ask for. So there's no point praying.
b) He doesn't exist. So there's no point praying.
c) You losing is all part of God's greater plan. So there's no point praying.
Answers on a Gideon bible to the usual address.
That is good to hear. So we weren't talking about modern gnosticism, that makes more sense apart from why you think I am the last living Gnostic.
If science can't answer something, I think it's limitation would be man, not science itself.
i don't. i think youre a poor man's sam harris. and sam harris is a fucking awful thinker.
Yeah right. Two things. 1. You haven't witnessed me think. 2. Sam Harris is as far beneath me as the christians he argues against are beneath him.
where's the platonic humility you said you aspire to?