Sounds like someone isnt getting their Ipod.

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I hate to admit I was one of the numpty's that signed up as a member of koptalk - A few quid a month for 'insider info' :-[ I was on there all the time for a couple of years while I should've been studying for a degree. It used to be great though. There was (and most are now here) a right bunch of good posters. Then it all got daft with Koptalk HQ etc. That Rupert insider stuff was well funny (if a little obsessed) I was young and stupid at the time but looking back I can't believe I was that stupid! I remember getting into a right ding dong argument with some guy called Carheex for calling Westerveld 'Flapper Sander' 😛

Who remembers the Kit with the Coca Cola logo? :laugh:
I learnt a lot from rupert insiders obsessiveness. When you're a whistleblower and you get lonely, it's not good looking to other lonely whistleblowers for support because you're all as depressed and suicidal as each other.

nah fuck that shit. It was better to just read his blogs at that time when he was in the middle of being an obsessed whistleblower trying to take someone down. Dunk was just a big fat useless punching bag, being brutally disfigured by shot after shot from that obsessed lunatic. It was almost mesmeric to watch.
It's not where you are but who you're with.

Plenty of the old guard that made KT worth visiting have made it over here as well, some perhaps a little more reticent these days but there's enough to go around
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