Good read from Tony Barrett, translated from
Barrett explains Huang situation
Tony Barrett of The Times believes Fernando Torres will be at the club despite all the speculation about the club best. Huang wants control of the team as quickly as possible.
By Arild Skjæveland
Tony Barrett is known for being a fellow with the sources in order, for his work in the Liverpool Echo and many years as a red fan. Now he writes for The Times, which yesterday brought news of Kenny Huang wanted to buy the club. He tells us little about the Chinese could be the club's new owner, and says that Fernando Torres's situation is not as dependent on the ownership of the club as his colleague Tony Evans said earlier today.
- Huang has been described as the closest China has a super mogul. He was the first Chinese guy who was educated and worked on the Stock Exchange in New York, and he talks Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Japanese. He has organized major sporting event between companies, where basketball has been his specialty. He bought a basketball League in home country competing with Chinese basketball Association. He is generally a low profile, but apparently believes that Liverpool's popularity in Asia can make his business grow.
- The next step now is that banks are considering your bid, and decides whether there is a good bid for Liverpool Football Club. Seems they do, they'll recommend it to the Board, who will vote for or against it should be accepted. We must wait to see how this goes, and if Kenny Huang to take on debt to buy the club that way. The situation is complex, where control of the club will be handled by the board instead of owners, because they have failed to reduce the outstanding debt of £ 237 million.
Barrett also explains why Huang has gone directly to the Royal Bank of Scotland, rather than through Martin Broughton who are employed to sell the club.
- What we know about Huang is that he wanted to get this done quickly. He wants total control before the transfer window closes so that Roy Hodgson can obtain the transition goals he has set for the new season. To contact RBS and Barclays Capital directly, Huang hopes to speed the process, which would have been slower if he had gone directly to the club.
Hicks and Gillett values the club at £ 800 million, and some sources say that the offer from Huang's nearly £ 350 million. How has such an opportunity to bid to be accepted?
- RBS and Barclays Capital put control of the club on the board rather than owners, because the owners have failed to reduce debt. If RBS will recommend your bid, it will be up to the board to accept it at the polls. Gillett and Hicks sits on the board, but it is a boardroom split. If this bid is so far, it is likely that there will be voted for by the club.
Barrett says that it is the Asian market that enables Huang looks at Liverpool as so attractive.
- The club might be laden in debt, and with the danger of getting out of the top clubs, but Liverpool's brand still sells well. With the exception of Manchester United, there is no other English club with so much appeal in the East as Liverpool. Huang's vision is that Liverpool will have the potential to become the people's club in China.
- It has not been given any indication (the number of pounds available to the manager whether there will be a takeover) on the exact amounts yet, but we know that Huang would like to invest in players as Liverpool keep in touch with the teams ahead in the top of the Premier League . It will not be like Manchester City, but it will let Roy Hodgson few pick the players he has accused them seem to be able to hang with the top.
Would Fernando Torres's future depends on this assumption, the last question Barrett got.
- I'm not so sure. Torres reported back to the gym today, and have been told to postpone the decision on his future until the outcome of this bid is clear. I have a feeling that he will stay no matter how it goes. He loves life on Merseyside and he loves playing for Liverpool Football Club. His concern is that the club's ambitions do not match his personal ambitions. There are concerns also several others in the club.
- In addition, it does not have Chelsea's interest in the player been as strong as they had expected in recent months. They have not put Fernando in a position that he must make a difficult choice, and we are not so far from the start of the season. So long as the current owners will always be speculation about Torres, but if the club gets a real owner will not be his future, a theme, "concludes Barrett.