Its pathetic, if the fa are too spineless to get another foreign manager in for England so be it, but houllier or rafa should be shoe ins to oversee this new system.
Interesting point. France produced loads of talents in the aftermath of Houllier's stint as technical director up to 1998, the year they won the World Cup. A more sedentary role like this would suit him too.
Rafa's still after a job in the trenches I reckon, and hasn't got the temperament for strategic, largely unnoticed work in the background. Perhaps a large offer to tempt Matthias Sammer to remodel the English game on the Germans?
Walcott shouldn't be within a million miles of an England side, he's yet another swp-a-like, flatters to deceive & the press love him cos he's fast.
Roy Hodgson isnt creating a revolution apparently. Fuck me.
According to him possession only matters in your final third, the fa are gonna start kids playing pass & move footy again on smaller pitches espousing a continental style, & there you have Roy '4-4-2, defend on your 6 yard line against Ukraine, a draw would be utopia' Hodgson.
Its pathetic, if the fa are too spineless to get another foreign manager in for England so be it, but houllier or rafa should be shoe ins to oversee this new system.
Adam Johnson (this season he will come good) + Wilshere + Cahill
In fairness to the FA, by the time the kids about to start the 'smaller pitch, pass and move' style of play come through to the professional ranks, Uncle Woy will be long gone.
Adam Johnson? You're comparing Adam Johnson with the likes of Ronaldo, Ribery, Ozil, Silva etc. etc.
No I am not comparing him now to them although Ribery was pants by the way. He has the potential I believe to be a very good international winger, he needs to come to us on our right wing, do it Brendan
Houllier has just got a job anyway, in austria at some club
can't remember who though
Binny knows
Being serious I mean
“After watching the last game, I think that Rooney understands only the Scottish accent,” said Capello, in a sarcastic reference to the star’s Glaswegian boss at Manchester United, Sir Alex Ferguson.
Ha !
It's more a shot back at Rooney because he said it was better having a manager everyone could understand.
Is Rooney about to deal with the Zlatan label?
Huh ?
That he rarely produces in big games --