Whoa, cool your jets there, Molby mate. "Complete dog's dinner of a season"? One in which we've already won one more trophy than most clubs will manage, and may yet make it two? Worst season you can ever remember? Have you forgotten Souness' time in charge, or the fact that Budgie had us in the relegation zone for a spell? Some of the posts in this thread strongly suggest that those who wrote them *have* forgotten those other factors, and that's what mark was getting at.
Cool my jets Jules? OK i accept there is no need to be arguing but to be fair I wasnt the one bandying around the insults... but then again thats probably in keeping with what ive noticed, the perception that Rafa was a failure just doesnt stand up to scrutiny IMO and its patently obtuse in light of 80M spend on mid table players in order for us to be shocked at being utterly mid table.
2 wins this year jules....2.
6 defeats out of 7.
Lets be honest if it were anyone else every single one of us would be calling for his head, and i remember Souness vividly. I find it unusual that a poster can harangue others for somehow forgetting LFC fan ethics yet they themselves were quite happy to snipe at former managers while they were in post. I also think its fair to say not one of us wouldnt swap our team now for the "shit" team Rafa so expensively assembled only to be mocked in turn for his poor choices. At least im, unlike Mark, being consistent, i defended Rafa then and I´ll do it now... just as those who may be telling us not to attack Kenny because its "unethical" were guilty of attacking Rafa. As for stuff like "i would stop watching footy" .... yeah...ok..... truth is none of us have been watching very much footy at all this season have we?
The reason this silly and unhelpful thread was posted was Rafa got sacked for doing a better job than kenny is currently doing and is still available, i think it would be nuts to hire him back also but that doesnt mean im going to forget where we were or indeed where we are right now.
God forbid, I wonder what´ll happen if Kenny loses the dressing room.... or makes a silly press conference....any of that ring a bell for some posters on here¿
No one in the entire universe is due more credit or slack regarding LFC than Kenny, god love him, but I´m with Aldo on this one weve been a joke this season, pretty much hopeless, in as much as glaring problems have been allowed to fester and left us way off AGAIN.
Im pleased we won the carling cup but then again... am i the only one who was fucked off we played so shit in that final?´
In its most simplest form we are not scoring enough goals and goals are the main commodity in the game, we have been tedious to watch this season and for the last 3 months or so most of us have been tuning in to watch in hope not in expectation or with any confidence.
Todays quotes reminded me of the intrinsic quality and integrity of Kenny the man and he has got my undying support but lets not pretend that its all rosey now and it was all shitty then cos quite simply thats not true. Dalglish has made some fucking howlers this season and the league table shows it IMO. I dont know about everyone else but when I look at Chelsea waiting for a semi against Barca I feel thoroughly jealous and its pretty natural to remember back to when we were up there ourselves both under Kenny in the day and under Rafa too.
Im not a big fan of "collective wisdom" unless it comes with a healthy dollop of collective fairness, criticizing Rafa.... fair enough he was shit look athe money he wasted yadda yadda yadda.... criticizing Kenny?...Noooo I´m unethical or need an intelligence check.
I dont see it myself i really dont.
Anyway im going for a Friday night pint.... Have a good one all of you....