First and foremost I'd like to say that this isn't a "Rodgers out" thread.
I believe that he's somewhat of a victim here considering how the club was handled during previous regimes and therefore I'm willing to give him time.
That said....
Would this summer have turned out any differently if Rafa got the job?
What I mean is would the same players be offloaded?
Would we only have one player coming in, so far?
Would we have done better in the games we played, so far?
I think it's pretty known that Rafa was my first choice when the job was up for grabs. Well he was ahead of Martinez and Rodgers and maybe on par with Van Gaal.
I also know that Rafa had a policy of identifying and signing players as early as possible which probably would have meant that there would have been more activity in June/July.
He also signed bosman players as well, something we haven't pursued this summer.
I'm going out on limb here but I do somehow feel that most fans would be more mellow if Rafa was in charge.
I believe that he's somewhat of a victim here considering how the club was handled during previous regimes and therefore I'm willing to give him time.
That said....
Would this summer have turned out any differently if Rafa got the job?
What I mean is would the same players be offloaded?
Would we only have one player coming in, so far?
Would we have done better in the games we played, so far?
I think it's pretty known that Rafa was my first choice when the job was up for grabs. Well he was ahead of Martinez and Rodgers and maybe on par with Van Gaal.
I also know that Rafa had a policy of identifying and signing players as early as possible which probably would have meant that there would have been more activity in June/July.
He also signed bosman players as well, something we haven't pursued this summer.
I'm going out on limb here but I do somehow feel that most fans would be more mellow if Rafa was in charge.