It has been taken care off. He has changed his name to: The c*** formerly known as Jose Mourinho.It gets kinda complex
Stolen from twitter.
It has been taken care off. He has changed his name to: The c*** formerly known as Jose Mourinho.It gets kinda complex
Image rights holding up the deal.
The gargantuan bellend. Made for each other.
First impression is he looks older and tidier in that pic than he did before. Has he begun remodelling himself in response to the doubts which some board members are said to have had?
I see Carra expects them to win the league next year or the season after in his Sky article, I can't say he's wrong. They'll probably spend 250-500mill over the next couple of seasons, as they can afford to, and with his tactical nous and early doors love-in from all the players, I can't see how he doesn't win the league. Depressing.
Whether he stays there after his 3yr honeymoon and continues the success is the problem. He wrote them that love letter saying he'd change, play the youth players, and play attacking football. Can you imagine if he does? And we have another fucking ginsoak there for a couple of decades, smashing everything ffs.
I know it's hiiiiiiiiighly unlikely he'd do a long stretch anywhere, but maybe he's due for a change in his usual form? Maybe he finds that he's done enough travelling around he's found a club with a permanent open chequebook, the fans might love him, and he's winning the biggest league in the world every year, and he's getting paid 10's of millions? It was enough to keep ginsoak happy. I obviously hope this doesn't happen, but I'm concerned that he is a very very good coach over a 3yr period, if that at some point starts to extend for a longer period of time, the league could be right in the shit.
Oh all the signs are there that he'll fail. But there's no disputing the fact he's excellent over that short period, and he's at a very very powerful club. I really didn't want him there, to be honest I'd have rather any other coach there than him.
I hope he fails like there is no tomorrow. But that probably wont happen. Cunt.
There is a tomorrow, does that mean you want him to succeed?
Chelsea fans, let me taste your tears.
Just think Pep and Citeh. They're now officially my second favourite team.I see Carra expects them to win the league next year or the season after in his Sky article, I can't say he's wrong. They'll probably spend 250-500mill over the next couple of seasons, as they can afford to, and with his tactical nous and early doors love-in from all the players, I can't see how he doesn't win the league. Depressing.
Whether he stays there after his 3yr honeymoon and continues the success is the problem. He wrote them that love letter saying he'd change, play the youth players, and play attacking football. Can you imagine if he does? And we have another fucking ginsoak there for a couple of decades, smashing everything ffs.
Chelsea fans, let me taste your tears.