I love it. It's like a nice Christmas present watching them dick around. LVG looks utterly lost and waiting in the wings is a hairy Welsh adulterer or a past it Portuguese translator that is likely to completely divide the board. Meanwhile we get Klopp who is without doubt the highest sought after dude in world football and City look like getting the second best in Pep. Hahaha! Brilliant. I wish I still knew my sisters ex-husband. He was pretty much the only Scum fan I knew and he was a fucking bellend. I used to love winding him up. So much ammunition these days with that sad sack club that sold it's soul when they brought out Utd branded Ketchup©*
*Sold exclusively at Tesco's
Cunt of a club. Cunt of a team and I'm delighted because mainly every Manc fan I've met has been a smug cunt.
Excuse my c-bombs but you know it is fucking Utd 🥷
You seem too agitated mate. I think you need a vacation 😉