You've got a very short memory if you've forgotten some of the shit we had to put up with Rafa's last 18 months, Roy's short tenure and even Kenny's stance. Here, let me make it simple - mid table clubs struggle to stay with top teams more often than not.
anyone else got a white outline to their screen on sky?
Why do certain posters always try to make the demise of Rafa's reign sound longer and more painful than it was? He had a bad last 12 months. That's it. Not a bad last 2 years, as Mark often claims, or a bad 18 months as you say here. His last 18 monhts included winning 4-1 in this very fixture, FFS.
Fine here.
If you're watching on a Linux box pick another sky sports 1 channel from the full list, see if it fixes it.
I'd say it was the worst since stoke, then villaYes, a very, very, long time. It was disgraceful.
Not ruining. Some positives some negatives = standing stillIf you think its accurate that he's ruining the club then God help us all