Yes and no. There's no simple answer to this. Some of the things these guys have done will have shocked you to the core. Far worse than Mason. Would anyone give Ted Bundy a second chance ? Its a tough one...i know i'll struggle to, despite all the convincing....
But i've also seen some of them do the full 180 too, and really changed into brand new human beings. And that's one of the most beautiful sights in life, at least for me.
Obviously it's not an overnight thingy and the journey is long and hard, but one life redeemed, is well worth the time and effort, i reckon.
So yeah, there's lots of things wrong about me. I've been called a lot more worse than a fool many times too, so no sweat.
Funny thing is, i feel safer in prisons or rehabs, than in saintly places, like the church for example, because with the former, you know what to expect when it comes to hypocrisy and pretense, cos there's usually not much of them left anymore.