Here's the basics of it:
He bought into the RAWK orthodoxy of the day, which was that H&G had mobilized their perfect media machine (you know, the one that has protected their interests so well over the last few years) to smear the Huang bid, with all sorts of horrible facts, using frivolous papers like the FT.
He said to himself, I'm going to fact check a shit article which I believe is incorrect regarding Huang. Where should I go, oh, I know, Huang's own lawyer, there's an impartial observer.
He then presented this new evidence to the writer. The writer said, urm, you're stupid, and here's some of the legitimate reasons to be concerned about Huang. He told him not to spread some of the info around, so as to make him feel very important indeed.
The poster, being an impressionable mong, now shifted completely to the other point of view, without, as with everything in his life, understanding it.
The poster then thought we should all know about this story of personal discovery from one ill founded random groping at an opinion to another, because he craves attention.
I know all of this because I've been arguing with him like a retard, and all of the above betrays the fact that I'm living like a complete loser with no life outside of working tons of overtime to pay for my wedding in two weeks.
He bought into the RAWK orthodoxy of the day, which was that H&G had mobilized their perfect media machine (you know, the one that has protected their interests so well over the last few years) to smear the Huang bid, with all sorts of horrible facts, using frivolous papers like the FT.
He said to himself, I'm going to fact check a shit article which I believe is incorrect regarding Huang. Where should I go, oh, I know, Huang's own lawyer, there's an impartial observer.
He then presented this new evidence to the writer. The writer said, urm, you're stupid, and here's some of the legitimate reasons to be concerned about Huang. He told him not to spread some of the info around, so as to make him feel very important indeed.
The poster, being an impressionable mong, now shifted completely to the other point of view, without, as with everything in his life, understanding it.
The poster then thought we should all know about this story of personal discovery from one ill founded random groping at an opinion to another, because he craves attention.
I know all of this because I've been arguing with him like a retard, and all of the above betrays the fact that I'm living like a complete loser with no life outside of working tons of overtime to pay for my wedding in two weeks.