Avmenon said:Y1 said:Avmenon said:singlerider said:There's more ways than that.
Steamed in black bean sauce with chilli. Served cold with the rice wine sauce and the honeyed little bean thingies (yuck!)
I'm sure I've seen other ways, but I can't remember right now
I've had that version,tho Y1's first version is still better.
Never had that Thai version.
Give me pork ribs anytime.
char siew pai quat, avy. its is the chinese bbq spare ribs.
the thai version chicken feet is usually found at tom yam shops here in kk.
that's one of my staple foods 😀
Y1 said:what is the meat and how is it cooked with?
love the salad though.
Y1 said:for you avy, we can tambah the cili padi :lol:
Y1 said:i like the vietnam beef rice noodles
it is something like this but not exactly
Avmenon said:Y1 said:for you avy, we can tambah the cili padi :lol:
Red chili padi is so hard to obtain these days,just the green ones...
The Abacus said:Y1 said:i like the vietnam beef rice noodles
it is something like this but not exactly
Do you mean pho bo?
Rice noodle soup with raw beef?
The Abacus said:http://www.pho24.com.vn/index.php
These guys now have a place in Indonesia. Is that where you are Y1?