I don't actually think that tiredness was irrelevant. Rafa used to mention it at weekends after most Champions League matches, and it did seem to be a problem after two games in four days. Three matches in seven days OUGHT to breed fatigue - if it doesn't there's something wrong with the players' effort. So I really don't get the outrage Kenny's comment provoked, except in a 'I'm pissed off and am going to get furiously indignant no matter what he says' sort of mood. And post-match comments aren't candid insights into what will be said behind closed doors. I'd like to know Steve Clarke's input: when we were clobbering Fulham last season many fans were quick to apportion quite a lot of praise to Clarke; when we started misfiring this season, the same fans pointed out that it probably had little to do with Clarke because he mainly concentrates on the defence, which was doing well; now the defence also looks shaky, what will be the excuse about Clarke - that his main responsibility now is looking melancholic in the dug out? I'm not 'anti' Steve Clarke - I was delighted we got him - but this is supposed to be a management team, and he seems to have slipped entirely from the picture as the fans direct their bile at the manager alone. There has to be some consistency - if he gets credit for whatever goes right, he needs to be held accountable, along with others, when things are, as we like to put it, shit.