But he picked the team that you picked didn't he?
manwithnonameBravo old man. Bravo.Member
It's great to see a Liverpool manager finally listen to me and select the team I wanted. I said Firmino, Allen and Lucas shouldn't start, and at LAST! I love you Klopp
He does - correctly - react to shit displays and the absence of those three proves that
I don't know what this has to do with anything. He picked the best available players, like I did.
That doesn't mean that at least
three of those starting players shouldn't be in the starting XI. Which is my point. We need a new goalkeeper, another CB, another CM and another attacking midfielder.
And my posts yesterday are not designed to denigrate or mock Klopp. He's a brilliant manager and I'm still delighted - and a bit amazed - we got him.
I simply want to discuss and exchange opinion about what I feel are several interesting areas:
(i) His relentless and increasingly tedious "Everything's great!" "All my players are wonderful!" schtick. No, they're fucking not. Quite clearly and obviously they are not. We're 9th in the league. we just drew 2-2 at Anfield vs West Brom and lost 2-0 to fucking Newcastle.
Oh, but no! That's Jurgen being dead clever and cunning and motivational. Right, but I thought it was his "refreshing honesty and direct no bullshit" style everyone liked? Or is it only sometimes that he's honest and direct and doesn't talk bullshit? i.e. when you decide he is. Or isn't.
(ii) The idea - shrinking in popularity now, obviously - that Klopp and his team of football magicians can simply breeze in and FIX all our shit players. Not just fix, actually. MAKE THEM WORLD CLASS. We don't need investment, or at least 5 new players, just sprinkle Klopp's magic pixie dust everywhere and we can be Champions! As if. We need to spend a load more money. Stop pretending.
(iiI) His passion and that weird fan celebration thing at the end. His repeated refusal - until forced - to shake anyone's hand. And the
rank hypocrisy when the same people who bark constantly when Mourinho, or Wenger or whoever act "unsportingly" seem to think it's OK when our manager does it, very obviously, because it's Tony Pulis and he's a cunt.
And I'll be clear now. I don't fucking
care if he shook Pulis's hand or not. Give a fuck. Equally, I don't care when any other manger does it, or doesn't. I don't make a big deal out of it or affect some kind of irate faux-outrage about it. Because I'm consistent.
That's all really. It's not the start of some Anti-Klopp crusade. I am delighted he is our manager. But he's not magic.