Top 5 all-time posters

And that my friends is why Dave here is a cut above most of the rest; not rushing into shit, gets the essence of the discussion, and not afraid to call it like it is.

Agree with all of the above. That's why Woland didn't make my list - not been around long enough to be in the 'all-time' list.

I'm still perfectly content with my list. Might have found a spot for Dave here though. Fark would be most likely to drop out.

Sorry Fark.

Woland might well be my wild card. If I can find a spot for him I will. What he has done in his short time here is immeasurable.
You've just gotta believe me Dave. I had you in my original 7, then you got bumped for Fark. And I completely forgot to mention you when I did that post. Same for Fox5, I had to go back and edit the post afterwards.

Thems truthbombs Daveed.
You've just gotta believe me Dave. I had you in my original 7, then you got bumped for Fark. And I completely forgot to mention you when I did that post. Same for Fox5, I had to go back and edit the post afterwards.

Thems truthbombs Daveed.
Fark? Sadly, its not the first time I've been beaten to something by an American in a canoe.
I could name 100 great posters who have graced this forum over the years but if I had to narrow it down to 5, in no particular order..............

Brendan.....Fabulously acerbic, very bright, funny and usually right in most of his football opinions.
Woland......Deranged, absurd loon.
Gene..........Funny as Fuck
Ryan..........Nearly always spot on with his footie opinions, some unique analysis instead of boring cliches and a funny dude too.
Doc Mac....Comes across as a righteous dude and probably has the lowest post:spat ratio of all regular posters.
Can't do a top 5, but I would suggest LarryHagman and Mistadobalina as posters we need to get back.
It just goes to show how many quality posters this site has, when the likes of Skully, The Count, Refugee, Portly, StevieM, Gerry, Athens, Bradley and Singlerider have hardly had a mention.
I had to be very strict in picking my Top 5. Didn’t pick the nice guys, the funny guys, my drinking buddies or anything like that. Just picked our all time top 5 posters IMO. Load missed out but i’m sure they’ll understand when they read my list.

We have a big selection of forum royalty. Some have been here since day one. A shout out to FFF, Piedro, Ross, Shiek, Sunny, Del, Gerry, Mark1975, Vlad, Portly, Hansern, Mystic, Brizzle, LTW, JJ, SummerO, Bradley, Single, Fabio, LNM, Refugee, Spion, MM, Doc Mac, darkstar, Pesam, Dmish, Slug, Red Astaire, macca, the count, rurik, Dreamy, Buddha, StevieM, Binny, Hal, the Mac family, Stu, Cerb, Modo, Jono, etc etc. I’ve obviously forgotten loads there but believe me ye are in my etc etc.I had to stop or we'd need a brush to sweep up all the names I was dropping. We have some great new posters coming through like Athens, Cloggy, studsup and Whirly who seem to 'get' what the place is about. Then we have our random group of ninja posters who partake in guerilla warfare posting. i.e Malibu, FasterBlade, Skully, Dantes, QUADRASPAZ (all capitals), Bongoloid etc. Themn the massive flirt can't be considered as he comes and goes too often. You need to commit brother. ha.

However five stand out from the rest for different reasons. My top five posters of all time in no order are;


Brendan has to make a top 5 list of Six Crazy Minutes posters of all time. Love him or hate him, no one can deny that he played a huge part in our forums folklore. A playground bully, could easily be accused of picking on the weak (no offence Fox) but my god did he provide some interesting posts and threads. We all still remember the thread, ‘Thanks for the CL, now fuck off please.’ His put down’s were concise and clinical and not many could deliver an insult as eloquent as him.

A quick nod to ‘Xmas Brendan’, who was a joy to read in the General Chat. Slap a santa hat on that recognisable avatar of his and you had a festive, happy go lucky teddy bear. Unfortunately we had to take the good with the bad. At the end of the day he probably had to go. His constant bullying, his aggressive posting style and repeated derailing of threads rendered his position here untenable. His levels of self involvement and constant need to massage his own ego seemed to be downfall. I genuinely believed he wanted Crouch to play badly at times to suit his agenda and reassert his sensationalistic opinions. However, we all read his posts and if he posted today we would continue to do so.


I have always been in the Pro Ryan camp. Ryan could easily be accused of being a poster of similar ilk to Brendan. I could c&p in bits of Brendan’s ‘eulogy’ from above and a lot of it wouldn’t look out of place if directed towards Ryan . I’m not sure if Ryan would take that as a compliment or an insult to be honest.

Ryan’s footballing posts can’t be questioned. Personally, I’m a big fan of his post match reflections. He has a great eye for detail and he genuinely seems to enjoy dissecting a game rather than providing a simplistic review or a tired clichéd analysis. He has provided a lot of drama in the past and this can’t be overlooked when selecting a top 5 poster of all time. Famously booted from his own site yet still posting gained him some notoriety over the years but I see it as an achievement and proves his worth to the site as a whole. The place wouldn’t be the same without the witty, narcissistic, egocentric, perhaps self deluded (WINKY FACE) fashionista. Often perceived as a painful c*nt at times but he seems to be toning it down for the better of the site. I know this reads as a heavy back handed compliment to him but this is Ryan we are dealing with here. He can take it.


I’ll keep it short and sweet for Keni. He doesn’t care for fame or adulation. Keni has hit the nail on the head with his postings from day one. Has he ever failed to call it like it is? Knows his football inside out. He must have a masters in taking names and kicking ass and is the one poster I ALWAYS agree with. Oh did I mention that he is never wrong? If you miss the game and looking for a match report, find his review. He has no agenda or general bias towards players. He isn’t a part of any clique, a lone wolf respected by all. A Six Crazy Minutes Footballing God.

Herr Onceared

There is only one Andy Bell. Our brave leader, our Bolo (glue), our friend. He can adapt to any posting style he needs to depending on the situation, poster or thread. I don’t think this forum would be the same without Oncy bouncing around the boards with his contagious enthusiasm. DAT POST COUNT.
He is excellent at name dropping some of the ‘lesser known’ poster and recognising the efforts of all and not just the forum big hitters. The return of his SCB should spur him on to finish the posting year out strong. Yeah an obvious choice but it’s deserved. He is the soul, spirit and essence of Six Crazy Mins.

Gene Hughes

Gene is my Six Crazy Minutes’ GOAT. He dazzled us with various incarnations, from The Abacus to Mr Moominpops. Regardless of his guise, Gene is always out to entertain us with his whimsical nature that wouldn’t be out of place in a Wes Anderson film. (Gene will probably take exception to that no doubt.) He has given us titbits into his life but his persona remains irredeemably aloof, a mystery, an enigma to many. I still don’t know if he’s Irish or English. Claims to live in New York but it could all be a long con. His love of eggs, his poetry competitions and his satirical look at the forum are just a few things that encourage us to read his posts. He’s the only poster to enter a match thread and not talk about the game ‘and I just made that up’. He has a laminated ‘Six Crazy Minutes Off Topic Hall Pass’. He can come and go in a thread as he pleases. Forum Royalty. It was tough to pick between Oncy & Gene and for a while ‘it had draw written all over it’.

Wildcard : Woland

He’s only here a short time compared to others but he has already done enough IMO to place himself in forum folklore. I’d never scroll past that avatar of John ‘Lizard’ Henry without reading the adjoined post. A baffling, hilarious yet interesting man. I don’t think many of us would survive ten minutes of enduring his inner monologue. Woland Krump is definitely our forum wildcard. It would be a travesty to lose him, I can’t wait to try ride his coat tails when he’s famous. HE WILL BE FAMOUS ONE DAY, INTENTIONAL OR NOT.
I'd say 70% of my posts are outside of the football forum - So while I do enjoy reading Oncy, Keni, Ryan, Rurik and Modo (to name a few) and who all offer great opinions on most stuff footy related. The one's I genuinely like reading the most are in no particular order.

1) Doc Mac - A great poster and someone I find I have a lot in common with.
2) Judge Jules - A sage soul who (like the poster below) has the knack of making me read with interest what he writes.
3) Portly - Who I love reading and often find myself agreeing with. I figured the other day I'd been reading JJ and Portly's posts for about 15-16 years!
4) Athens - Who I just find very funny.
5) Spion - He writes from his heart about a variety of different things. He speaks a lot of sense a lot of the time.

I've bound to have missed some but there you have it.
The creme de la creme of S-C-M is as follows:

Red Astaire

Notable mentions to:

Probably enough semen swallowed for one day....

Keep up the good work all.
Where to begin?


I like to be up to date with the latest trends, and Balotelli is very in right now.

*sets gangnam style as ringtone*
I thought there would be more love for vlad's quiff here the old bastard. Anyway in no particular order

Fff - knows everything about technology
Gene hughes - batshit crazy
Ryan - he can be a prick at times, but i really enjoy his match analysis, opinions on tactics etc.
Fabio -often find myself LOLing at his posts
Woland -batshittier crazy.

Sorry ILD. I like you in real life more than all of them......except jon.
1) Oncy - there was a time, back in the dark days of the site, where Oncy kept the site going almost single handily with his posts. Not in the Marky way, where he'd post any old shit for the sake of it, but good posts.
2) Sheik - Similar to Oncy. Very funny poster who sadly doesn't post as much anymore.
3) Binny - for reasons already mentioned
4) Woland - For everything other than the gif thread
5) Rafa4 - This is mainly for the Xpert Eleven players, but no-one on the site makes me laugh more than Rafa

Think ill go with thay...replace Sheik for JJ.
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