Great thats all we need,
John Henry: erm, we are here to day to discuss your performance with the current squad, from what I hear it is not looking good, what do you have to say?
Roy: Its a tough league to be twue, evewy one is beating wone another, take Chelsea for example getting beat 3-0 by Sunderland at home, no one would of expected that. Where still only 6 points of 4th place, i'm playing mostly with the team I inhewited fwom Wafa. Our Team needs stwength and depth I have contacts from the danish league to help with that to bring some young talent thwough and Top players like Poulson to come into the fway. If we can turn those defeats into at the vewy least dwaws all will wont look so bad. Look at UTD they have dwawn 7 games this season and are still in the top 4.
John Henry: (albeit looking confused, nods in agreement)