We're all suffering from extreme PTSD, losing those two titles by 1 point each to those horrible, cheating bastards... But they don't exist (to that extent) anymore, so, mostly because I couldn't enjoy 2020 until it was mathematically confirmed, I'm choosing to be confident and upbeat this time around, because, as Jurgen said back then, if we can't enjoy THIS, why do we bother with football?
I do understand why so many of you are reacting as you are, and I'm not pretending that I think it's in the bag, but I do think loads of you are being overly critical of how we've been doing and overly cautious about our chances... ESPECIALLY as those chasing us are absolutely NOT of the calibre we've become used to being hunted down by. I may be proven wrong, of course, but I don't expect to be.
We'll drop more points. But so will they. And we're seven points clear because we deserve to be. And they have to come to us, which is far more daunting for them than it is for us. There are still ups and downs to come, but I think a more normal service has resumed, no longer requiring borderline perfection to win this bastard league, and I think we'll be ok in the end.