I know we've disagreed about this before Macca...but this is a genuine question...do you believe Rodgers really believes all of the guff he spouts? I mean, I'm with you on this one...the man can suffer terrible bouts of the verbal trots but I do wonder if he comes out with all of the nonsense in order to cover up the fact that as you say, he's won nothing yet. Is it his way of projecting gravitas in the absence of trophies? I'm reminded of Tony Blair when he said of his critics within the Labour Party..."it's worse than they think... I actually believe all of this New Labour stuff." is that the case with Brendan? I'm genuinely not sure...I kind of hope not.
I think he does believe it. Whether or not there's a tiny voice deep inside that murmurs to the contrary, I don't know, but he's one of those people who absolutely devours self-help and positive thinking books - his shelves heave with them - and he has that auto-didact's excitement about the power of words and phrases. I don't want to sneer about it - I mean, the guy HAS worked damned hard, thought hard, and drawn ideas from all kinds of people and places, but the negative side is that it does all get a bit obsessive and dogmatic. I think if he ever doubted one element within the elaborate system he's created in his head he'd fear the whole thing would come tumbling down. Feeling he can explain something, no matter how dubiously to others, satisfies him that all is well with the world. Thomas Kuhn would've had a field day with him!