the steven gerrard council?
the steven gerrard council?
Is he native american neil?Point us in the direction of this 'rwak" you speak of.
a really good in the know on rwak (I mean 'really' good) has said AVB will be our new manager. for the time I've seen him posting, I'd say he has something like plus 90% hit rate. he gets a riduclous amount right.
a really good in the know on rawk (I mean 'really' good) has said AVB will be our new manager. for the time I've seen him posting, I'd say he has something like plus 90% hit rate. he gets a riduclous amount right.
So have you been posting just as much on the equivalent threads on other forums as well over the past week? How have you had time to, well, live?
Hahahahahahaha !Is he wearing glasses neil ?
So have you been posting just as much on the equivalent threads on other forums as well over the past week? How have you had time to, well, live?
you don't post on rawk kop, you lurk. posters are usually banned within a week.
Oh okay. Fair enough. Never posted there and even visiting tends to make me feel a bit ill.
ha ha! why? the rafa love? the carra hate?
Combination of things. They just seem to take the fun out of everything!
And those they don't lock have that many people posting in it (usually the hive mind opinion using slightly different words or simply agreeing) that by the time your post appears its lost on the last page.
They also seem to ban those with different opinions to their own & aren't keen on bad language. Needless to say I'm not a fan.
Boas is a huge gamble, we do need to take a huge gamble though.
I think anyone is a gamble now. We need something pretty revolutionary to move forwards now. We need to transform as a club. It's risky though and risk makes people nervous.
How much of a gamble is he vis a vis Rafa though. Rafa is a gamble obviously for the political/divisive issues. Which would you rather gamble on? AVB or Rafa?
at the end rafa was taking it in the neck from all angles and despite that seemed (relatively) in control. AVB on the other hand looked all over the fucking place but I'll excuse him purely because of the circumstances that I just don't see happening at LFC.
No we don't. We need to get someone who knows what they're doing and give them some money to get a couple of players in.
AVB is a fucking stupid idea.
How much of a gamble is he vis a vis Rafa though. Rafa is a gamble obviously for the political/divisive issues. Which would you rather gamble on? AVB or Rafa?
I think anyone is a gamble now. We need something pretty revolutionary to move forwards now. We need to transform as a club. It's risky though and risk makes people nervous.
Who's he bigger gamble you think Neil?